New Book!
“Where the Light Fell: A Memoir” - “In this searing meditation on the bonds of family and the danger of extremist faith Philip Yancey recounts his unexpected journey from a strict fundamentalist upbringing to a life of compassion and grace.”
Other books by Philip Yancey in the Mellinger Church Library: “The Bible Jesus Read”, “Reaching for the Invisible God”, “Disappointment with God: Three Questions No One Asks Aloud”, “What’s So Amazing About Grace?”, Vanishing Grace: What Ever Happened to the Good News?”, and “Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference?”
The library provides valuable resources to support individuals and families to encourage, educate, and equip them to live healthier, in a loving community, while better understanding how to overcome each season and change that comes.
Our children’s resources include:
Preschool • Early Reader
Reading Level 1, 2, 3, K-5 • Christian Books
Middle & High School Books • College / Young Adult Books
Our adult resources include:
Bible Study Resources
Christian Living, Parenting, & Relationships
Inspirational & Prayer