Upcoming Events


Recurring Events


Evening Prayer

wednesdays, 7:00 PM

Each Wednesday evening, all are invited to fellowship through prayer in the Agape Room. The purpose of these evenings is to pray for our church family, community, and our world. If you have a specific prayer request that you would like to be lifted up, send an email to email@mellingerchurch.org

Illumin8 - On Temporary Break

1st Thursday of every month*, 7:30 - 9:00 PM | Lighthouse

*In July will meet 2nd Thursday of month due to July Fourth Holiday

Illumin8 is a night of worship for high school students and young adults. The evening will consist of a time of worship through song, a teaching, and snacks. Follow @Illumin8MMC on Instagram for more information or contact wenger.sommers@gmail.com with any questions.

3rd Thursday of every month*, 7:30 - 9:00 PM | lighthouse

*In July will meet 4th Thursday of month due to July Fourth Holiday

Illumin8 Bible Group gathers to connect and study God’s Word on a deeper, more intimate level. All invited!