trey beiler-

ywam ozarks - ozark, arkansas


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Trey Beiler - Update from Trey:

Since my Bible School was cancelled in September I was invited to staff the incoming Discipleship Training School (DTS). I got excited about that and have been at YWAM Ozarks for 6 weeks helping to staff an 11 student school. It has been an amazing time talking and sharing about God's plan to bring His light into the world until everyone knows Him. We leave in Dec for outreach to the Dominican Republic and also to New Orleans. Please pray that I will keep learning and growing in the Lord and will be able to transfer that to everyone I meet. Thank you so much for your support!!- Trey
Financial gifts to help cover the $2,500 needed for the outreach can be sent to: YWAM Ozarks, 7119 Mountain View Dr, Ozark AR 72949 (payable to YWAM Ozarks with sticky note saying it’s for Trey).

You may also send your gift to the church (made out to Mellinger Mennonite Church), earmarked 'YWAM Ozarks'.

breanne beiler-

ywam compassion - baja california, mexico


Breanne Beiler will be joining YWAM in Baja California, Mexico for their 6 month Compassion DTS (Discipleship Training School) this September. Her DTS track will focus on equipping its students in practical ways to take everyday steps in being Jesus’ hands and feet to the nations. The training phase will be followed by an outreach to another country for two months.  Please pray for Breanne during this time away. 

To support Breanne financially, please use Breanne's Modern Day Missions link or button below: 

Gifts given through this link are tax deductible.

You may also send your support to the church (made out to Mellinger Mennonite Church), earmarked 'Modern Day Missions/Mexico'.

annika hofstetter-

YWAM Circuit Riders Experience - Huntington Beach, California

YWAM Circuit Riders Experience - Huntington Beach, California

Annika Hofstetter will be joining YWAM, Circuit Riders for their 6 month DTS (Disciple Training School) in Huntington Beach, California this fall. She will participate in the music track where she will grow in her skills as a music leader and in her faith. The lecture phase is Sept. 28 - Dec. 14, and the outreach will tour across different campuses, leading worship January - March.

To support Annika financially, please use the ‘Modern Day Missions’ link or button below: 

Gifts given through this link are tax-deductible.

You may also send your support to the church (made out to Mellinger Mennonite Church) earmarked ‘Modern Day Missions’.

Jaden Metzler- The navigators kenya/penn state

The Navigators Mission Statement: 
To Know Him | To Make Him Known | To Help Others Do the Same

The Navigators is a Worldwide Partnership in which men and women who follow Christ share God's grace and love among the nations. Navigators advance the Gospel through pioneering missions efforts around the world.

To learn more visit or

University of Nairobi students sharing what they most appreciated from time at Neema Camp.

Jaden Metzler has been a member of The Navigators (3 yrs) and a student leader (1 yr) at Penn State University main campus. On May 14 she left on a 2-week mission trip to Long Beach, NJ to disciple other east coast college students and lead them in a service project.

On June 30, she will leave for Kenya, Africa to join The Navigators Worldwide on a short-term mission trip in the city of Nairobi until Aug. 1.

There she will help lead The Navigators- Kenya staff in implementing the discipleship program for the students at the University of Nairobi and minister to students one-on-one.

Jaden is asking for prayers for safe travels and for hearts to be open to Christ.

aidan & adrianne sommers- ywam lancaster

Aidan leads a team that calls and follows up with young people interested in missions, providing mentorship and accountability through the process. Adrianne leads a team, reaching Gen-Z through media to call, educate, and inspire them about the Great Commission. Thank you for your prayers and partnership!

To support Aidan and Adrianne financially, please use the link or button below

Aidan + Adrianne Sommers | YWAM Lancaster

Gifts given through this link are tax deductible.