Children are a blessing from God. At Mellinger Mennonite Church, we provide many opportunities for children to grow in their knowledge and love of Jesus. Children of all ages join a Sunday school class from 9:00am-9:50am every Sunday morning. Grouped by age, each Sunday school class provides a safe and caring environment for children to learn wonderful stories from the Bible as well as building positive relationships with others in their class.
Children's Church:
Children ages 4 through grade 5 can also participate in our Children's Church on the first and third Sunday of every month during the Worship Service. While in Children's Church, children will learn powerful lessons about Jesus and His love in a way that speaks right to their level.
Nursery care:
Nursery care is provided every Sunday for children ages 6 months to three years from 10am until the end of the Worship Service. Children engage in free-play, listen to stories, sing songs, and learn that Jesus loves and cares for them. Nursery volunteers complete a screening process to ensure that your child will be in a safe and caring environment.
Vacation Bible School:
Vacation Bible School is also a big part of our ministry to children in both our church family and in the surrounding community. Each summer we provide an exciting, fun-filled week of Bible lessons, crafts, games, and so much more.
For more information or questions, contact:
Danielle Hofstetter | Minister of Children | Email: | 717-397-9360 ext. 412